  • POSTID=risin-cargo-sabotaged
  • POSTAUTHOR=rkj649
  • POSTDESC=A Risin Pharma cargo ship crashed into AAZ-3's official harbor.

[NEWS] Risin Cargo Sabotaged

I have just received news that a Risin Pharma cargo ship has crashed into AAZ-3's official harbor. The ship was carrying a large amount of low-priority medical supplies. The cause of the crash is currently unknown, but it is suspected that the ship was sabotaged. The ship was of Long Haul Solution series, so it shouldn't have been vulnerable to such accidents.

Fortunately, the crash did not cause any casualties, but the supplies were heavily damaged. Affected companies include Risin Pharma, Prism Cosmetics. Delays in the delivery of body transformation, gender reassignment treatments are expected to occur. The harbor is currently closed for investigation.


  • >> rkj649: P.S. I'm sorry for the late update.
  • >> jacobiscool: Wait isn't nana going through Prism's treatment?
  • >> cube_mania: ooo i smel a conspirayc >:) my keybord is havin a strke
  • >> nananeko: @jacobiscool thats tru i have to wait an addition delay of 5 days -_-