[NEWS] Kakashi Internship Program!
Hey uh, maybe you guys have heard of this already, but I just wanted to share the news. Kakashi, the company that has the patent for state-of-the-art parallel computing die design, has announced a new internship program for students in the field of computer science and engineering. It's a great opportunity to learn from the best in the industry. The program will be held in the company's division in Neo Europe, specifically the eighth AAZ district.
Idk about the details, but I think it packs a good punch. Well I might as well be too naive. :/ AlSo PlEaSe AcT CiViL iN tHe CoMmEnTs ThAnK yOu
- >> cube_mania: wada heck is this kakashi thing??? ain't it a manga?
- >> rkj649: It's literally in the post.
- >> cube_mania: oh lol i was high yesterday my bad
- >> rkj649: I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not, but either way, I hope you're doing okay.
- >> rkj649: By the way, I wish I never had went to the war, so I could have participated in this program.
- >> jacobiscool: Mind if I ask why you feel that way?
- >> rkj649: It's not a big deal. My legs are just a little bit... you know. I'm not sure if I have the strength to walk around the district, especially in the eighth.
- >> jacobiscool: You still have us Renee. :) Also if you are interested, I can link you to the video relay system of my optic implant. It's not much, but it's something.
- >> rkj649: Thank you, Jacob. I really appreciate it.